The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About VA Home Loan
Just because you are a Veteran, it doesn’t mean you should immediately lock yourself into a VA home loan. Why is that? Let’s walk through the most popular advantages and disadvantages of the VA loan process. We will also address why having a broker who cares about education is the key to success for any loan application.
Mortgage Rates Drop to Record Lows for the Third Week
This is huge for homebuyers. As a buyer it means home affordability has greatly increased. This is what happens when you are faced with historically low mortgage rates. Even in today’s sellers market, the buyer still wins. As inventory depletes and homes fly off the market, buyers are forced into countless bidding wars across the nation.
People's Choice Mortgage Outsmarts Your Banks Loan Options
People’s Choice Mortgage brokers have an edge over your local branch and other brokerages, working with over 80+ lenders. We have a vast array of information and resources. Having more than one option, provides you the opportunity to shop for the best deal for you.
The Advantages of Home Buying In Today's Market
For every article you find on the internet that says, it’s time to buy a home, you will find one that says to wait. As it stands, consumers are proving they are ready to be homeowners. It might be the stay-at-home orders that has created a surge of eager buyers or the market instability providing dropping mortgage rates but either way, home shoppers are in the market.
Refinancing: The New Wave of Financial Planning
Mortgage rates are at an all-time low, thanks to the Federal Reserve’s efforts in March — buying unlimited amounts of bonds and supporting lending. Their actions included two rate cuts that were part of the central bank’s broader work to protect the economy from more financial damage due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on your scenario, refinancing may be a stellar option to help you lower your monthly payments and come out of this pandemic more financially confident than when it started.
Coronavirus: The Burbs Are Calling
Boston has some of the world's best healthcare solutions, schools and unarguably the best seafood. However, to date, Massachusetts is facing 107k corona cases and nearly 8k deaths. We are the 5th highest in Covid fatalities. With cases still climbing, the allure of moving to the suburbs is real for a few people.
How Much Mortgage Can I Afford
Let’s get into the nitty gritty of your budget and how you can effectively use a mortgage calculator as one of the tools in figuring out your mortgage payments. Here is a breakdown of what you need to consider as you breakdown your budget: PCM Budget Planner
Housing Market Amid COVID
Covid-19 has made it astoundingly apparent how important our homes are, they are not just a place to simply conduct our day to day lives anymore but also a haven of protection. If you’ve been unhappy with your landlord, home maintenance, or even your neighbors this situation probably escalated your motivation to get into a home that’s a better fit for you. Even with that eagerness to move, you may be questioning is now the right time? Will the market crash? Does my current home have value in the COVID market?