Happy Labor Day!

The team at Peoples Choice Mortgage wants to wish you a Happy Labor Day! We spend a lot of time talking about the American dream and how homeownership is a central component of it. What we do not talk about enough is how the American dream is only possible because of the laborers who built and now sustain our nation. Everyday millions of Americans go to work to feed families and keep our country strong. Today is a day to celebrate the hard workers of our nation. We hope that each and everyone of you have a day of relaxation with friends and families, and enjoy a much earned day off. 

History of Labor Day

Labor Day was originally created to celebrate the contributions of American workers and is celebrated on the first Monday of September. The federal government codified Labor Day as a federal holiday in 1894. Prior to being recognized as a federal holiday, Labor Day was celebrated by worker rights groups, unions, and individual states several decades before

Who created Labor Day is somewhat disputed. There are some records that indicate it was created by Peter J. McGuire. He suggested dedicating a day to "general holiday for the laboring classes”. McGuire was heavily involved in the labor movement and served as general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor. However, not everyone agrees that Labor Day was the brainchild of Peter J. McGuire. Some historical accounts suggest that it was originally created by Matthew Maguire. Maguire served as the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, New Jersey, as well as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. Regardless of which one actually created the holiday, the truth is that American workers deserve to be celebrated and we are glad that the federal government formalized it. 

Final Thoughts

The American dream is one thing that truly sets our nation apart from others. We are founded upon the notion that hard work should provide you access to a life where you can take care of those you love the most. Owning a house is part and parcel of this belief. At Peoples Choice Mortgage, we believe that everyone deserves to own a home. Many think that access to the American dream, including homeownership, is only available to the wealthy. We work hard to make sure that everyone has access to that dream. 

One thing that sets us apart from many other mortgage brokers is that a majority of our clients are working class. We know that you spend your days working hard, and we think it is only right that we do the same on your behalf. As you work hard to support your families, we are working hard to help you buy a home. So, to the hard working individuals that form the backbone of our nation, we are eternally grateful for your efforts and we hope you have a happy Labor Day.


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