Home Buying Is More Affordable Than Renting

Today’s rising home prices have some home buyers hesitant, especially first-time home buyers. However, home prices are not the only things that are rising. Rents are also reaching astronomical levels. In fact, rents are surging faster than home prices in many markets. The reality is that for many it is more affordable to buy a house than rent.

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First-Time Home Buyers Should Consider Multi-Family Homes

Not everyone wants to a own a multi-unit property. Not everyone dreams of using real estate as an investment vehicle. However, for those that do, it is worth looking into whether it makes sense to buy a multi-family home first and then consider a single-family home later down the road.

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Making The American Dream A Reality

Dr. King, Jr. rearticulated the American dream to include this promise of equality for all throughout his works and speeches, including his “I Have a Dream” speech. There is a lot we must still do to make his dream and the American dream a reality for all Americans. One small aspect of that is that we need to make sure that everyone can be a homeowner.

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No Relief In Sight For Renters

Unfortunately for renters, the trends are pretty clear that they should not expect any relief when it comes to rent prices. Fortunately, becoming a homeowner is a great way to get out of the misery of constantly rising rents. While many headlines have been devoted to the difficulties of buying a house in today’s market, the truth is that the market is improving.

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Building Wealth Julianna Young Building Wealth Julianna Young

Happy Labor Day!

Everyday millions of Americans go to work to feed families and keep our country strong. Today is a day to celebrate the hard workers of our nation. We hope that each and everyone of you have a day of relaxation with friends and families, and enjoy a much earned day off.

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Mortgage Payments Are Better Than Rent Payments

Right now, only about 28% of home buyers think it is a good time to buy a house and much of that is thanks to the direction of home prices. However, popular sentiment is not always correct. Just because a majority of people think it’s not a good time to buy a house it doesn’t mean they’re correct. In spite of home prices, it is far better to be making mortgage payments than rent payments.

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Peoples Choice Mortgage Goes Viral In A Good Way

We are very serious about helping you buy the home of your dreams. However, we also know that life is not worth living if you cannot have fun. Our team had a great time putting these videos together and we truly hope you have some fun watching them.

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Everyone Deserves To Be A Homeowner

One of our missions is to fight for our clients and help them come up with a plan to own a home of their own. This is a powerful mission because the benefits of being a homeowner are powerful. Owning a home provides material and immaterial benefits that are truly life changing. That is why we believe that everyone deserves to own a home.

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Buying A Home Is A Long Term Investment

Thinking about buying a home purely in terms of a short-term investment strategy and obsessing over timing will cause you to miss the forest through the trees. Buying a house is about far more than merely buying at the perfect time. The truth is that buying a home is a long term investment and makes sense no matter where you are in the market cycle.

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Homeowners Rejoice With Rising Equity

If you are someone who purchased a home before last year or early in the market’s rise, you are doing great. Chances are, the value of your home has risen dramatically. In that case, it is also likely that your equity has risen, too. That is great news for homeowners and the team at Peoples Choice Mortgage is here to breakdown why homeowners are rejoicing.

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The Financial Gains of Homeownership

There are many financial and non-financial benefits of homeownership, and the greatest financial one is wealth creation. And by simply stating the word “wealth creation,” many Americans will automatically disqualify themselves from a candidate. However, as a lender that has a strong foundation in believing in building a future for yourself and your family, we pride ourselves in helping everyone we can create their path to homeownership. Homeownership has always been the first rung on the ladder that leads to forming household wealth

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The Financial Power of Home Ownership

…The truth is that buying a home is not a financial burden, even if you need a mortgage to do so. Instead, buying a home is a way for you to build financial wealth. Why is that? The team at Peoples Choice Mortgage is here to go deeper into the decision to buy a house and break down the financial power of home ownership.

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Don’t Delay. Buy Today! Waiting To Buy A Home Will Cost You

If you are one of those people who have been thinking about buying a home, but haven’t acted on it, it is time to stop delaying. Waiting any longer to buy a new home can cost you significant money in the short term and long term.

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