Home Buyers’ Biggest Questions
One of the hard parts about doing anything the first time is that you do not know enough to know what you do not know. First-time home buyers often have to face this exact problem. Applying for a home loan and buying a house can be overwhelming without help. The team at Peoples Choice Mortgage is here to give you all the help you need and make buying a house as simple as possible.
Supply, Demand, & the Future of Home Prices
Are today’s rising home prices being driven more by home buyer demand or low inventory? The team at Peoples Choice Mortgage is here to look at today’s trends and see what home buyers and homeowners can expect from home prices.
Home Buyers and Debt
Preparing for a home purchase involves a web of consequential factors. If you wish to buy a home within the next six to 12 months, use the following debt-management suggestions to smooth out your course.
Enhance Your Credit Score In 2022
Owning a home is a fundamental component of the American dream. It gives you a place to make long term memories with those you love. It is also one of the best ways to build wealth for you and future generations. There is no reason you should let your credit score get in the way of you buying a house or refinancing your current mortgage.
Get Ready, Home Buyers
Potential home buyers should be excited by the above data because it looks like more houses will be available on the market in 2022 than last year. This means less bidding wars, a greater chance of finding the perfect house, and possibly an end to skyrocketing prices. The best way to take advantage of this is to be prepared and that means speaking with a mortgage broker.
Home Buyer Preparations For 2022
There are a lot of aspects to a home buying budget. An important thing to consider regarding home buying budgets is that it’s not necessarily a single budget. While some people are able to buy a house using entirely cash, most people need a mortgage. This means that you need to budget for what it takes to get a mortgage.
Home Buyer Forecast for 2022
The bottom line is that 2022 is lining up great for home buyers. Rates will increase, but will still be at an extreme discount compared to historical rates. At the same time, inventory will increase which will mean that it is easier to buy a home without as many bidding wars. This is great news for home buyers. If you want to stop renting and become a homeowner, 2022 is a great year for it.
New Year’s Resolutions For Home Buyers
As we end 2021, it’s important for future home buyers to prepare for the future. We want to make the process easy for you, which is why we broke down these resolutions into three steps. Just know that you don’t have to go through the steps all by yourself. The independent mortgage brokers at People’s Choice Mortgage are here to help you with every step of the process.
Don’t Derail Your Mortgage Application
Many first-time home buyers assume that once you get pre-qualified for a mortgage that it is all smooth sailing from there. However, the truth is that there is a lot that can happen between pre-qualification and the closing table that can jeopardize your mortgage. The time between pre-qualification and closing is crucial because lenders are still underwriting the home loan.
Winter Is Home Buyer Season
This winter home buyers are finding themselves in a favorable market. Market rates are still very low, which means that home buyers will save money over the life of a mortgage. At the same time, inventory is about to improve, which means that home prices will level off. Home buyers should take advantage of these conditions before mortgage rates rise.
Should Homebuyers Wait For Biden’s Tax Credit?
Back in January, President Biden pushed for a first-time homebuyer tax credit of $15,000. Since then, this recommendation has become its own legislation, the First-Time Homebuyer Act of 2021. Should first-time homebuyers wait for this legislation before buying?
Boston Home Buyers Face Thriving Market
Buying a house at today’s prices means that you benefit from tomorrow’s rising prices. On top of that, the likelihood of rising mortgage rates means your mortgage will be more expensive. Today’s real estate market is thriving all over the nation, but especially in Boston.
The Joys Of Good Credit
Owning a home is a fundamental component of the American dream. It gives you a place to make long term memories with those you love. It is also one of the best ways to build wealth for you and future generations. There is no reason you should let your credit score get in the way of you buying a house or refinancing your current mortgage.
Move Over Delta It Is Time For Omicron
When the pandemic first made it to America we all thought that it would be here for a few weeks and then life would be back to normal. Over eighteen months later and we are not back to normal. On top of that, new variants like Delta and Omicron keep popping up and changing the course of the pandemic in ways many would not have predicted. As the pandemic changes, so do our public health responses and so does the economy, along with the real estate market.
Home Buyers Need Patience And Professionals
Today’s real estate market is difficult for home buyers, with COVID-19 changing how we buy homes. Homes available for purchase are limited and there are a lot more buyers than homes on the market. Remember, difficult is not the same as impossible. It just means that you cannot expect to be able to buy a house just because you put in an offer. You will need the patience to succeed in this market.
How To Plan For Rising Home Prices
There is a lot that goes into buying a home and mortgage contracts can be confusing. The best way to navigate this process and make sure you have a realistic budget is to work with a true professional. The independent mortgage brokers at Peoples Choice Mortgage are here to help you with every step of the process.
Keep An Eye On China’s Real Estate Market
Global economics is very complex and it is hard to precisely predict the fallout of China’s real estate crisis. However, if it does end up freeing up building materials for US home builders then US home buyers will be the big winners. This would allow home buyers to take advantage of low mortgage rates and buy the house of their dreams.
Peoples Choice Mortgage Partners With The Debt Relief Team
Becoming a homeowner is a cornerstone of the American dream and we firmly believe that everyone should have access to it. That is why we have always gone above and beyond for our clients, whether they are ready to qualify for a mortgage today or need to work to improve their chances for the future. Partnering with The Debt Relief Team is just one more way that we are living up to that commitment …
How To Make The Best Real Estate Offer
Because of rock-bottom mortgage rates, the real estate market surged. Now we are in a seller’s market, so it’s important to be able to stand out. Bidding wars over houses and rentals are commonplace. Home buyers need every advantage possible in order to buy the house of their dreams. The team at Peoples Choice Mortgage is here to tell you how working with a professional mortgage broker can help you when it comes to making a perfect offer.
Be A Fearless First-Time Home Buyer
Buying a house is a big deal, but if you do it armed with the right knowledge and the right support, you have nothing to fear. The team at Peoples Choice Mortgage is here to give first-time home buyers the tools you need to be fearless.